Do you want to save money off the cost of solar panels?
With the ever increasing costs of living, there is no better time than right now to stop throwing money out the window and start generating our own electricity.
Did you know?
A basic solar installation from a retailer can take 30 years to pay back and cost you well over $20,000?
This is simply too much for many to afford and the pay back time is far too long. This prompted me to do some research into how the solar panels are created and how I could make them myself.
I soon realized it was possible to make solar panels for home for MUCH cheaper than retail price, saving me thousands. Moreover, it was actually easier than I thought!
And don't forget, when you purchase the Earth4Energy kit you also own the rights to build and resell the completed solar panels without paying us a thing. All profits you make will be your own.
You can make a simple solar panel for as little as $200 and sell them for $500! So by using the Earth4Energy instructions you can profit over $300 for every solar panel you build.
Think about that for a second - After a bit of practice you can build up to 5 solar panels every week (or even more) and sell them for a profit of $300 each. That's a weekly profit of $1500. This is the perfect business model because not only can you make a decent profit you can pass on your knowledge to others whom want to help our environment.
Get involved in the alternative green energy movement NOW. It's exciting, rewarding and can save you a lot of money.