There are many affordable options to convert your home into a solar home and solar energy technologies can supply for several different uses in a solar home. Passive solar design can
provide heating, cooling and natural light for your home. Solar electricity options are available to power home appliances and solar water heating can provide hot water options for laundry and general household water use (showers, cooking, cleaning). When planning a solar home it is important to consider which solar energy options are most efficient, and cost effective for your situation.
A passive solar home utilizes home design to provide heating, cooling and natural light without the use of any special equipment. A passive solar home basically uses the environment to accomplish great reductions in energy use. A passive solar home uses construction materials and design to utilize the sun’s heat during winter months and block the sun’s heat during summer months. There are several passive solar techniques you can use in a solar home, direct gain, radiant heat from sunlight passing directly into a living space and being absorbed by furniture, flooring etc and usually achieved with south facing window installations, indirect gain, involving an attached Trombe wall that collects heat and distributes it throughout the home by the use of fans, thermal mass, which are materials that naturally collect and store heat such as brick or stone, and passive cooling, which generally includes overhangs for south-facing windows to block the sun during summer months for cooling the solar home.
Another feature often found in a solar home is the use of solar electricity. Solar electricity is generated when photovoltaic cells are used to absorb sunlight and convert it into usable electricity. The energy produced by solar panels must be converted to DC (household power) through the use of an inverter. Solar electricity can be used to supplement metered electric already being received by a solar home or with the use of a battery storage bank, can be used as the only electric source for the home. If the later is going to be used, it is suggested that owners of the solar home have a generator available for backup power.
Solar water heating is one of the most common uses of solar energy in a solar home. There are two kinds of solar water heating available for solar home use. The first is a closed loop system, which can be used in areas that are not prone to freezing. These systems use water filled tubes that are heated directly by the sun. A closed loop system uses an anti-freeze type liquid to collect heat from the sun and then the heated liquid is used to heat household water via a heat exchanger.
Regardless of which steps you take toward converting to a solar home, energy efficiency is the most important attribute to a successful solar home operation. Energy efficiency minimizes the need for heating, cooling and electricity. Using higher insulation levels, more energy efficient windows, appliance and lighting than used in traditional construction, you will already be saving yourself a lot of money and energy. However these changes may not be an option when converting an existing home into a solar home, so make any changes possible to your home energy efficiency and adapt other solar practices to convert your existing home into a solar home.
Save Money With Free Energy!
You Can Build Your Own Solar Panel
With energy resources dwindling fast and global warming changing climates across the globe,
more people look towards renewable energies for reducing their carbon footprint. However, even
the most environmentally passionate person cannot pursue such endeavors without the proper financial resources. The professional installation of a solar energy system can cost in the thousands, so many resourceful individuals are turning to the many great resources that help you build your own solar panel.
It is possible to completely build your own solar panel, but for the most part, these panels are small and do not produce the wattage necessary to power more than a simple lamp and only for a couple of minutes. The most effective way to produce power from the sun, when you can’t afford to hire the professionals, would be with a solar panel kit. These build your own solar panel kits come with everything you need to successfully build your own solar panel in the comfort of your living room, or the garage may be a wiser choice.
Surprisingly, build your own solar panel kits are not difficult to find. With large companies like GE producing these kits, the build your own solar panel sets are very affordable and offer quicker return on your investment than purchasing and professionally installing a solar energy system. In general the instructions are easy to follow, even for teens and children, and in no time you are on your way to your own solar power system.
If you are looking to build your own solar panel there are a numerous resources and guides available to help you through the process. By involving the whole family in the building process, every one will learn how a solar power system works and exactly how the components are put together. Also, when you build your own solar panel you are giving yourself the knowledge to expand your system on your own, without calling back the installers, and the ability to adapt your current system to meet new design needs.
Making the choice to build your own solar panel is a great investment for your future and the world’s future. Start making your own power at home and take advantage of this great way to educate yourself while saving money and helping the environment and learn how to build your own solar panel today.
more people look towards renewable energies for reducing their carbon footprint. However, even
the most environmentally passionate person cannot pursue such endeavors without the proper financial resources. The professional installation of a solar energy system can cost in the thousands, so many resourceful individuals are turning to the many great resources that help you build your own solar panel.
Surprisingly, build your own solar panel kits are not difficult to find. With large companies like GE producing these kits, the build your own solar panel sets are very affordable and offer quicker return on your investment than purchasing and professionally installing a solar energy system. In general the instructions are easy to follow, even for teens and children, and in no time you are on your way to your own solar power system.
If you are looking to build your own solar panel there are a numerous resources and guides available to help you through the process. By involving the whole family in the building process, every one will learn how a solar power system works and exactly how the components are put together. Also, when you build your own solar panel you are giving yourself the knowledge to expand your system on your own, without calling back the installers, and the ability to adapt your current system to meet new design needs.
Making the choice to build your own solar panel is a great investment for your future and the world’s future. Start making your own power at home and take advantage of this great way to educate yourself while saving money and helping the environment and learn how to build your own solar panel today.
Use The Power of The Sun With Solar Electricity
When asked about alternative energy or renewable energy, most people think of solar electricity. Generating electricity from the sun is a technology that everyone knows well. Whether it is your pocket calculator, home, or workshop, regardless of your power needs, solar electricity can get the job done.
Solar electricity has a number of unique advantages over conventional or grid-based electricity. Solar electric systems can be designed for a variety of applications and are extremely beneficial in remote areas where other electric opportunities do not exist. In addition, photovoltaic systems that generate solar electricity have no moving parts therefore requiring minimal maintenance, are easily expandable, and with many smaller units, transportable.
Environmental compatibility is a huge selling point for converting to solar electricity. The fuel for generating solar electricity is a free renewable resource, the sun. Solar electricity offers no noise pollution and actually almost no pollution from their operation. Another appealing factor for many who choose solar electricity over conventional electricity is simply the independence. It is an attractive offer to many rural dwellers to know that when the lights go out due to storms or blackouts, theirs are still working. No longer a slave to waiting on hold to report an outage to find it will be 10 hours before their service will be restored.
The hardest part of converting to solar electricity is the cost of the system. Investing in a solar energy system can be a substantial upfront cost. The value of solar electricity is realized over several years. A professionally installed solar array for an average dwelling (avg. $100/month in electric bills) could pay for itself in 5 years. You could reduce that number by building your own solar panel system or by purchasing a used system. With many solar energy systems in less rural areas and only in some states, you can sell your unused solar electricity back to the electric company. In these situations the return on your investment is realized much more quickly.
Using the power of sun with solar electricity is a benefit to the environment and to your home. Solar electricity is already being used to supplement power for a number of large cities in North America. Take time to learn more about solar electricity and how you can have trade in your electric bill for a carefree life with solar electricity.
Solar electricity has a number of unique advantages over conventional or grid-based electricity. Solar electric systems can be designed for a variety of applications and are extremely beneficial in remote areas where other electric opportunities do not exist. In addition, photovoltaic systems that generate solar electricity have no moving parts therefore requiring minimal maintenance, are easily expandable, and with many smaller units, transportable.
Environmental compatibility is a huge selling point for converting to solar electricity. The fuel for generating solar electricity is a free renewable resource, the sun. Solar electricity offers no noise pollution and actually almost no pollution from their operation. Another appealing factor for many who choose solar electricity over conventional electricity is simply the independence. It is an attractive offer to many rural dwellers to know that when the lights go out due to storms or blackouts, theirs are still working. No longer a slave to waiting on hold to report an outage to find it will be 10 hours before their service will be restored.
The hardest part of converting to solar electricity is the cost of the system. Investing in a solar energy system can be a substantial upfront cost. The value of solar electricity is realized over several years. A professionally installed solar array for an average dwelling (avg. $100/month in electric bills) could pay for itself in 5 years. You could reduce that number by building your own solar panel system or by purchasing a used system. With many solar energy systems in less rural areas and only in some states, you can sell your unused solar electricity back to the electric company. In these situations the return on your investment is realized much more quickly.

Using the power of sun with solar electricity is a benefit to the environment and to your home. Solar electricity is already being used to supplement power for a number of large cities in North America. Take time to learn more about solar electricity and how you can have trade in your electric bill for a carefree life with solar electricity.
The Benefits Of Lead-Acid Batteries!
Lead-acid batteries or “starting batteries,” as they are also called, are the oldest rechargeable
batteries in existence and the first used for commercial use. They have dominated the market
for over 100 years, ever since their invention in the 1850s by Gaston Plante, a French engineer, and continue to weave their magic to this day. The surge of new batteries in the market has not lessened their importance.
Today, lead-acid are cost-effective and their ability to supply high surge currents, makes them the most viable option for use in cars and other motor vehicles, as they meet the requirement of the high current that automobile starter motors need.
Car batteries are used to start diesel or gasoline engines, as they provide the electricity needed for starter motors, ignition, lights and other electronic features. Most of the car batteries are lead-acid batteries and the energy is produced through a chemical process that involves lead, lead oxide and a liquid electrolyte solution.
Plates of lead and lead oxide sit in the electrolyte solution that is made up of a small percentage of sulfuric acid and more of water. This causes a chemical reaction and electrons are released, which are all routed through conductors in the battery to generate the electricity needed for the car.
When lead batteries are discharged, sulfuric acid forms on the lead plates, and when they are recharged again, this sulfuric acid on the plates breaks back into its constituent lead and lead oxide.
Some car batteries need maintenance in the form of adding water. It was during the 1970s that maintenance-free sealed lead-acid batteries were developed and they can be used in any position, sideways or upside down without the risk of acid leakage. The liquid electrolyte is gelled into separators and sealed. Safety valves are used to allow venting during charging, discharging and other atmospheric pressure changes.
Currently, there are two lead-acid systems used, the small sealed lead-acid (SLA) and the larger valve-regulated lead-acid (VRLA).
The newer type of sealed lead-acid batteries are the Absorbed Glass Mat batteries (AGM) that are maintenance free and the plates are mounted in such a way that they can withstand extensive vibration and shock. The hydrogen emission from cars using these batteries is less than 4% and self-discharge is extremely low at 1-3% per month. This gives them long storage before the need to recharge. These batteries are more expensive than the flooded lead-acid batteries (liquid electrolyte), but because of their durability, they are the preferred version for high performance cars rather than the flooded variety.
One of the best things about lead-acid batteries is their self-discharge, which is one of the best on rechargeable batteries at about 40% per year, in comparison with nickel-cadmium that self-discharges in three months.
In conclusion, lead-acid batteries are a perfect choice for cars as they are inexpensive, reliable and provide dependable service, durable when used appropriately, and they have the lowest self-discharge rate among rechargeable batteries.
Find out how you can now recondition your old batteries at home.
batteries in existence and the first used for commercial use. They have dominated the market
for over 100 years, ever since their invention in the 1850s by Gaston Plante, a French engineer, and continue to weave their magic to this day. The surge of new batteries in the market has not lessened their importance.
Today, lead-acid are cost-effective and their ability to supply high surge currents, makes them the most viable option for use in cars and other motor vehicles, as they meet the requirement of the high current that automobile starter motors need.
Car batteries are used to start diesel or gasoline engines, as they provide the electricity needed for starter motors, ignition, lights and other electronic features. Most of the car batteries are lead-acid batteries and the energy is produced through a chemical process that involves lead, lead oxide and a liquid electrolyte solution.
Plates of lead and lead oxide sit in the electrolyte solution that is made up of a small percentage of sulfuric acid and more of water. This causes a chemical reaction and electrons are released, which are all routed through conductors in the battery to generate the electricity needed for the car.
When lead batteries are discharged, sulfuric acid forms on the lead plates, and when they are recharged again, this sulfuric acid on the plates breaks back into its constituent lead and lead oxide.
Some car batteries need maintenance in the form of adding water. It was during the 1970s that maintenance-free sealed lead-acid batteries were developed and they can be used in any position, sideways or upside down without the risk of acid leakage. The liquid electrolyte is gelled into separators and sealed. Safety valves are used to allow venting during charging, discharging and other atmospheric pressure changes.
Currently, there are two lead-acid systems used, the small sealed lead-acid (SLA) and the larger valve-regulated lead-acid (VRLA).
The newer type of sealed lead-acid batteries are the Absorbed Glass Mat batteries (AGM) that are maintenance free and the plates are mounted in such a way that they can withstand extensive vibration and shock. The hydrogen emission from cars using these batteries is less than 4% and self-discharge is extremely low at 1-3% per month. This gives them long storage before the need to recharge. These batteries are more expensive than the flooded lead-acid batteries (liquid electrolyte), but because of their durability, they are the preferred version for high performance cars rather than the flooded variety.
One of the best things about lead-acid batteries is their self-discharge, which is one of the best on rechargeable batteries at about 40% per year, in comparison with nickel-cadmium that self-discharges in three months.
In conclusion, lead-acid batteries are a perfect choice for cars as they are inexpensive, reliable and provide dependable service, durable when used appropriately, and they have the lowest self-discharge rate among rechargeable batteries.
Find out how you can now recondition your old batteries at home.
Easy Techniques To Improve Battery Life!
All batteries will fail at some point, when they have been in use for longer periods of time. But premature battery failure is one of the main frustrations people face.
Common thinking is that turning devices off extends battery life, but what happens is the opposite. Devices consume more power when they are starting up, so turning them off is not such a good idea if they are going to be switched on frequently.
Cars and Other Automobiles
It is important to protect the car battery from high under the hood temperatures with the use of a case or a heat shield. The battery life can be extended by keeping the battery charged at all times. Electrolyte levels will have to be checked frequently during the hot months. A recent study revealed that relocating the battery outside the engine compartment has increased its life by almost eight months. Car manufacturers are relocating the starting battery to the passenger compartment or the trunk to avoid under the hood temperatures. It also helps to use wet batteries vented to the outside or cells that do not produce gas when recharged. Based on the driving of each individual, some batteries are undercharged and this leads to sulfation, where lead sulfate gets accumulated, reducing the battery capacity. An external battery can be used for charging.
For any battery, the most important factor to consider is the temperature. Ensuring they are not exposed to too much heat can extend the life of a battery. It is common sense that high temperatures lead to faster chemical reactions. They need to be watered more often with only deionized or demineralized water. However, rain water is a good substitute in an emergency. In addition to the temperature, a reduction in the number of discharge/charge cycles significantly improves battery service life. In extremely cold climates, the car battery needs to be continuously kept fully charged when not in use.
Portable Electronic Devices
Battery life can be increased for iPods, cell phones, laptops etc. by lowering the brightness when not necessary. For example, when using these devices in a dark room, it is not necessary to set the brightness to 100%. The brightness can be lowered enough so that the screen can be seen without exerting any strain on the eyes can be done. The amount of time the backlight stays on can also be decreased. For iPods it doesn’t have to stay on for 10 seconds, 2 seconds should be good enough. Laptops can be set in hibernate mode when not in use.
One most important point that not many people are aware of is that turning down the volume increases battery life. Use headphones that are louder and leave the volume at 50%.
Background applications are power hungry monsters. Stop everything that is not being used. Defragmenting the hard drive once in a while helps decrease file scatter on the hard drive and uses up less power. Send the computer into standby mode after a certain period of inactivity as it conserves battery. Although, standby resume also uses some power but not as much as starting up. Interestingly, leaving a CD or DVD in the drive can decrease battery life, as it hogs power whenever the drive spins up.
In Wi-Fi Applications
Battery life in Wi-Fi apps can be prolonged by either increasing battery capacity or reducing Wi-Fi product power consumption and through control methods. It is easy to increase battery capacity; however, due to technological limits, it may lead to an increase in cost and size of the battery. That brings us to the option of reducing power consumption, which can be done by prolonging the standby time and shortening the time of the active cycle. You can also turn off the WiFi on the iPod when not in use as it consumes a large amount of life.
These techniques of low power consumption can improve battery life dramatically. Most of them are common sense usage techniques and can easily be made part of our daily lives.
Find out how to recondition old batteries and save $$$
Common thinking is that turning devices off extends battery life, but what happens is the opposite. Devices consume more power when they are starting up, so turning them off is not such a good idea if they are going to be switched on frequently.
Cars and Other Automobiles
It is important to protect the car battery from high under the hood temperatures with the use of a case or a heat shield. The battery life can be extended by keeping the battery charged at all times. Electrolyte levels will have to be checked frequently during the hot months. A recent study revealed that relocating the battery outside the engine compartment has increased its life by almost eight months. Car manufacturers are relocating the starting battery to the passenger compartment or the trunk to avoid under the hood temperatures. It also helps to use wet batteries vented to the outside or cells that do not produce gas when recharged. Based on the driving of each individual, some batteries are undercharged and this leads to sulfation, where lead sulfate gets accumulated, reducing the battery capacity. An external battery can be used for charging.
For any battery, the most important factor to consider is the temperature. Ensuring they are not exposed to too much heat can extend the life of a battery. It is common sense that high temperatures lead to faster chemical reactions. They need to be watered more often with only deionized or demineralized water. However, rain water is a good substitute in an emergency. In addition to the temperature, a reduction in the number of discharge/charge cycles significantly improves battery service life. In extremely cold climates, the car battery needs to be continuously kept fully charged when not in use.
Portable Electronic Devices
Battery life can be increased for iPods, cell phones, laptops etc. by lowering the brightness when not necessary. For example, when using these devices in a dark room, it is not necessary to set the brightness to 100%. The brightness can be lowered enough so that the screen can be seen without exerting any strain on the eyes can be done. The amount of time the backlight stays on can also be decreased. For iPods it doesn’t have to stay on for 10 seconds, 2 seconds should be good enough. Laptops can be set in hibernate mode when not in use.
One most important point that not many people are aware of is that turning down the volume increases battery life. Use headphones that are louder and leave the volume at 50%.
Background applications are power hungry monsters. Stop everything that is not being used. Defragmenting the hard drive once in a while helps decrease file scatter on the hard drive and uses up less power. Send the computer into standby mode after a certain period of inactivity as it conserves battery. Although, standby resume also uses some power but not as much as starting up. Interestingly, leaving a CD or DVD in the drive can decrease battery life, as it hogs power whenever the drive spins up.
In Wi-Fi Applications
Battery life in Wi-Fi apps can be prolonged by either increasing battery capacity or reducing Wi-Fi product power consumption and through control methods. It is easy to increase battery capacity; however, due to technological limits, it may lead to an increase in cost and size of the battery. That brings us to the option of reducing power consumption, which can be done by prolonging the standby time and shortening the time of the active cycle. You can also turn off the WiFi on the iPod when not in use as it consumes a large amount of life.
These techniques of low power consumption can improve battery life dramatically. Most of them are common sense usage techniques and can easily be made part of our daily lives.
Find out how to recondition old batteries and save $$$
How To Save Power At Home
We all learned about the renewable and non-renewable sources of energy in school. However,
we never paid much attention to the rapid consumption of the non-renewable sources of energy
until recently. The world is faced with severe energy crisis now and none of us remain unaffected anymore. Should we leave everything to the governments, or can we do something to save power? The answer is simple: we can.
Let us look at how you can save power at home.
Computer: More often than not, we do not switch off our monitors even after we have shut down our computers. Keep the monitor and the computer switched off when you are not using them. Start practicing this even when at work. You will help save some more power for the world.
Light bulbs: You must have seen compact fluorescent light (CFL) bulbs being advertised all the time. You must have even used them at times. As a power-saving measure, start using the CFL light bulbs as much as you can. If you are thinking they are more expensive than the regular bulbs, the benefits of the CFL bulbs will prove much more cost-effective in the long turn by the amount of power they will save.
Air Conditioner: Set the temperature at the minimum or maximum best you are comfortable with, depending on the season. Try not to set it at too high or too low temperatures. Setting the air conditioner at reasonable temperatures helps save a lot of energy.
Washing Machines: Do you use your washing machine as often as you want? Do you use your washing machine even when there are not enough clothes to wash? Minimize the number of washes by washing full load of clothes every time.
Television: Take off the power plug of your television set when not using it. This may not sound a big deal but this tiny step will help save power.
Geysers: Keep the geyser thermostat at the minimum heat. You do not need to heat the water at a very high temperature or for too long.
Refrigerator: Bring hot food to room temperatures before putting it into the refrigerator. You can also save power by taking cold or frozen food out of the refrigerator much before the mealtime, thereby saving power in heating it.
Car: For an air-conditioner equipped car, pull up the windows of your car before switching on the air-conditioner.
Make power at home with solar and wind energy to eliminate your power bill.
Check out how to Save Money with Earth 4 Energy.
we never paid much attention to the rapid consumption of the non-renewable sources of energy
until recently. The world is faced with severe energy crisis now and none of us remain unaffected anymore. Should we leave everything to the governments, or can we do something to save power? The answer is simple: we can.
Let us look at how you can save power at home.
Computer: More often than not, we do not switch off our monitors even after we have shut down our computers. Keep the monitor and the computer switched off when you are not using them. Start practicing this even when at work. You will help save some more power for the world.
Light bulbs: You must have seen compact fluorescent light (CFL) bulbs being advertised all the time. You must have even used them at times. As a power-saving measure, start using the CFL light bulbs as much as you can. If you are thinking they are more expensive than the regular bulbs, the benefits of the CFL bulbs will prove much more cost-effective in the long turn by the amount of power they will save.
Air Conditioner: Set the temperature at the minimum or maximum best you are comfortable with, depending on the season. Try not to set it at too high or too low temperatures. Setting the air conditioner at reasonable temperatures helps save a lot of energy.
Washing Machines: Do you use your washing machine as often as you want? Do you use your washing machine even when there are not enough clothes to wash? Minimize the number of washes by washing full load of clothes every time.
Television: Take off the power plug of your television set when not using it. This may not sound a big deal but this tiny step will help save power.
Geysers: Keep the geyser thermostat at the minimum heat. You do not need to heat the water at a very high temperature or for too long.
Refrigerator: Bring hot food to room temperatures before putting it into the refrigerator. You can also save power by taking cold or frozen food out of the refrigerator much before the mealtime, thereby saving power in heating it.
Car: For an air-conditioner equipped car, pull up the windows of your car before switching on the air-conditioner.
Make power at home with solar and wind energy to eliminate your power bill.
Check out how to Save Money with Earth 4 Energy.
How To Reduce Energy Usage
The most dificult day of every month is when time comes to pay bills and mostly the enormous electricity bills that we get. It’s high time and we need to take serious measures to reduce the
power bill. Do not worry. We will share some key tips and will make you reach your goal.
Make sure to discuss with family member about the importance of saving electricity. You can reward them a treat if their participation has led to savings. Suggest them some tips like switching of the lights when they are not present there and attending a call in another room or having dinner at the dining table. Make sure to switch off all the appliances even if you are sure to be back in five minutes. Yes, that will help a lot. Every drop of water makes an ocean.
We may prefer to switch off the television set or turn off the fan, but not the tubelight.We need light at the time of night but see that the usage is required in all the rooms or not.Taking care of such these small precautions will surely leads us to savings in the long run by reducing the bills of the power demon.
One should plan to invest smartly on power. Replace all the incandescent bulbs present in the house with compact fluorescent light or those CFL bulbs. These bulbs consume less electricity as they consume less power.
Buy the energy saver gadgets that are available in the market. Such gadgets will monitor the intake of the entire power supply in your house and makes you take decision on how to control the usage.
Most of us assume on the fact that the rise in electricity bill is due to the vast number of electrical items present at home. But the truth is that the electricity bill is not directly connected or affected due to the number of gadgets, but by the way one uses them.
Take a step forward to avoid using those typical items regularly that consumes lot of power -
• The washing machine should be used only when there is a bucket full of clothes.
• The geyser should not be kept on for maximum amount of time.
• The air-conditioner should be kept at minimum high or low temperature.
• Take note to switch off the computer monitor when not in use. It consumes maximum power and it just takes a second to switch it again.
Lastly we suggest that for reducing the electricity bill by taking benefit of reading the energy saving guide like Earth4Energy that has some of the best solutions to generate energy at home and providing free electricity to some of your home appliances. In this way we can save power that is facing a huge shortage because of the large demand in the global countries. Try to reduce the requirement of those electrical wires and sockets for home and use the renewable energy extracted from natural resources like wind, sun, tides at a lesser price but having a long term returns.
Make power at home with solar and wind energy to eliminate your power bill.
power bill. Do not worry. We will share some key tips and will make you reach your goal.
Make sure to discuss with family member about the importance of saving electricity. You can reward them a treat if their participation has led to savings. Suggest them some tips like switching of the lights when they are not present there and attending a call in another room or having dinner at the dining table. Make sure to switch off all the appliances even if you are sure to be back in five minutes. Yes, that will help a lot. Every drop of water makes an ocean.
We may prefer to switch off the television set or turn off the fan, but not the tubelight.We need light at the time of night but see that the usage is required in all the rooms or not.Taking care of such these small precautions will surely leads us to savings in the long run by reducing the bills of the power demon.
One should plan to invest smartly on power. Replace all the incandescent bulbs present in the house with compact fluorescent light or those CFL bulbs. These bulbs consume less electricity as they consume less power.
Buy the energy saver gadgets that are available in the market. Such gadgets will monitor the intake of the entire power supply in your house and makes you take decision on how to control the usage.
Most of us assume on the fact that the rise in electricity bill is due to the vast number of electrical items present at home. But the truth is that the electricity bill is not directly connected or affected due to the number of gadgets, but by the way one uses them.
Take a step forward to avoid using those typical items regularly that consumes lot of power -
• The washing machine should be used only when there is a bucket full of clothes.
• The geyser should not be kept on for maximum amount of time.
• The air-conditioner should be kept at minimum high or low temperature.
• Take note to switch off the computer monitor when not in use. It consumes maximum power and it just takes a second to switch it again.
Lastly we suggest that for reducing the electricity bill by taking benefit of reading the energy saving guide like Earth4Energy that has some of the best solutions to generate energy at home and providing free electricity to some of your home appliances. In this way we can save power that is facing a huge shortage because of the large demand in the global countries. Try to reduce the requirement of those electrical wires and sockets for home and use the renewable energy extracted from natural resources like wind, sun, tides at a lesser price but having a long term returns.
Make power at home with solar and wind energy to eliminate your power bill.
Green Business Opportunity
Green Business Opportunity - Solar Power Installation
This complete course will show you everything you need to get started with your solar power installation business. We will take you from startup to your grand opening, and we will also tell you how to deal with each customer and the best way to buy your materials cheap and find quality employees. The course goes in-depth about the solar installation process and what types of licenses you will need.
Why start a solar power installation business? Many people spend a substantial amount of money each month on electricity and now you will be able to start a business to help them cut this bill and "go green"... while also making money for yourself at the same time.
Everywhere you look, there are more businesses being started to cater to the need for alternative energy sources and the solar power business is no different. Now, you have the chance to get in on the ground floor with your own Solar Power Installation Company!
5 Good Reasons To Get This Course:
1. High Income Potential – the solar industry is booming and you can get in on the ground floor
2. Save Money – you will save money because you won’t have to spend $thousands$ on solar classes at a school
3. GO GREEN – you will help your customers reduce their carbon footprint and help the environment
4. Save Energy – you will help your customers cut their energy bills, or even completely eliminate them
5. No Risk – you have a 60-Day 100% Money-Back Guarantee to try the course for yourself
How much would you be willing to pay for a complete plan that will show you how to start your own solar panel installation business?
Well, you could enroll in a 5-day solar training class at Boots on The Roof, one of the best national programs out there, and you would spend $3,495.00.
But we're not charging even $500 for the Green Business Profits solar panel installation training course. We wanted to set the price low enough that almost anyone could get started. We felt that $197 would be an appropriate price and still be affordable for most business owners. But right now we've got a huge discount on the training course, so if you get started now you will really save a lot.
This complete course will show you everything you need to get started with your solar power installation business. We will take you from startup to your grand opening, and we will also tell you how to deal with each customer and the best way to buy your materials cheap and find quality employees. The course goes in-depth about the solar installation process and what types of licenses you will need.
Why start a solar power installation business? Many people spend a substantial amount of money each month on electricity and now you will be able to start a business to help them cut this bill and "go green"... while also making money for yourself at the same time.
Everywhere you look, there are more businesses being started to cater to the need for alternative energy sources and the solar power business is no different. Now, you have the chance to get in on the ground floor with your own Solar Power Installation Company!
5 Good Reasons To Get This Course:
1. High Income Potential – the solar industry is booming and you can get in on the ground floor
2. Save Money – you will save money because you won’t have to spend $thousands$ on solar classes at a school
3. GO GREEN – you will help your customers reduce their carbon footprint and help the environment
4. Save Energy – you will help your customers cut their energy bills, or even completely eliminate them
5. No Risk – you have a 60-Day 100% Money-Back Guarantee to try the course for yourself
How much would you be willing to pay for a complete plan that will show you how to start your own solar panel installation business?
Well, you could enroll in a 5-day solar training class at Boots on The Roof, one of the best national programs out there, and you would spend $3,495.00.
But we're not charging even $500 for the Green Business Profits solar panel installation training course. We wanted to set the price low enough that almost anyone could get started. We felt that $197 would be an appropriate price and still be affordable for most business owners. But right now we've got a huge discount on the training course, so if you get started now you will really save a lot.
33% Off Your Electric Bill
DIY Solar Water Heater
You can easily build your own Solar Water Heater and save up to 33% off your electricity bill Every Month while helping the environment.
Using a solar water heater will save you up to a thousand dollars every year.
* Works in warm and cold climates
* Will greatly improve your homes energy efficiency
* Boost performance while reducing electricity usage
* Works anywhere in the world
Using a solar water heater will save you up to a thousand dollars every year.
Our do-it-yourself solar water heater guide is easy to follow with step-by-step instructions and is extremely affordable!
* Will greatly improve your homes energy efficiency
* Boost performance while reducing electricity usage
* Works anywhere in the world
* 100% safe/legal - guaranteed!
* Get set up for the cheapest, best value price.
* Enjoy incredible savings on your electric bill.
* Build your water heater for the lowest price. Similar water heaters cost $1000 and up!
* This system can be built in as little as a weekend.
Our easy step by step guide will show you several different plans to build your very own solar water heater system. These plans are easy enough for anyone to follow and will give you the option of how you would like to set up and install your water heater. You can build an entire system for less than $70. Once installed, you will be saving up to 1/3 of your electric bill each and every month.
Save Money With Free Energy
Is "Home Made Energy" The Best Solution For The Energy Problems We Are Facing?
I would say a big YES!
You can buy a wind or solar generator and pay someone to install it. But from my research this will cost you at least a couple thousands dollars.
To me it was like buying "free gold". I save more on my monthly electricity bill than I invested in the whole system.
This small thing that I've done for my home will save me this year thousands of dollars.
Plus, I have learned a lot from the Home Made Energy guide. Everything is explained very straight forward and it contains information that you need to know.
Otherwise you can rely on someone else. And you probably know how costly and frustrating this can be some times...
So, if you consume any electricity at all, this product is for you. I mean, you can even take your generators to family picnics. Yes, that means portable electricity!
If you want to buy a DIY guide for solar and wing energy generators, then look no further. You've found the perfect match for your needs.
And everything at a steal of a price.
Click here to get the Home Made Energy solution.
Nikola Tesla Secrets - Green Energy
Nikola Tesla Secrets - The Free Electric Generation System
For the first time in almost a century, the answer to free energy is here. And no… it’s not solar panels… and you definitely won’t have to pay tens of thousands of dollars to use it.
Best part: if you know how to screw in a lightbulb... you already have all the skills you need to start making your own electrity, as soon as today!
This Tesla Generator device is so easy to build… but you won’t hear about it in mainstream media… and you won’t see it featured on TV.
It’s a secret so big… it had to be locked away for 90 years, for fear it might destroy the Big Energy establishment. The genius who invented it, Nikola Tesla, had to pay a dear price for having the “nerve” to take on the big players.
Nikola Tesla Secret is a digital DIY guide that shows you how to create a FREE energy Device which generates free electricity. The guide consist of high quality step-by-step content and illustrations written by experienced technology experts that specialize in free energy.
Here’s Why You Need To Try The Tesla Generator Today:
Quite frankly, there’s never been a better time for a technology like this to emerge. With electricity prices going through the roof, and “peak oil” just around the corner, it’s only a matter of time before everyone turns to alternative energy sources.
But if you think about it, you’ll realize “alternative energy” never really was an alternative.
Just try to go solar without spending 5-figures on a solar panel system. It’s impossible. And then, there’s maintenance costs… breakdowns… clouds… bird droppings… and all the stuff you just don’t want to be worrying about. The Tesla Generator on the other hand is extremely adaptable… and will completely change the way you look at energy:
- It costs less than $100 to build – and you can find all the materials and spare parts at your local electronics shop
- It’s completely weather proof – and it really makes no difference if it’s raining or if it’s too hot outside. And because you can use it during the night, you don’t need expensive batteries to store your excess electricity!
- It’s incredibly easy to build. Sure, the technology may have been cutting edge in the 30’s… but these days, it's definitely no rocket science. You can get materials that used to cost tens of thousands of dollars for a few bucks… and with our step by step instructions, building your own generator is as easy as assembling an IKEA chair!
- There are no emissions, no fumes, no radiations… in fact, it’s probably just as “green” as solar or wind power systems!
- And best of all, it generates FREE electricity day in and day out – and that, you can take to the bank!
How To Save Money With Earth 4 Energy?
Do you want to save money off the cost of solar panels?
With the ever increasing costs of living, there is no better time than right now to stop throwing money out the window and start generating our own electricity.
Did you know?
A basic solar installation from a retailer can take 30 years to pay back and cost you well over $20,000?
This is simply too much for many to afford and the pay back time is far too long. This prompted me to do some research into how the solar panels are created and how I could make them myself.
I soon realized it was possible to make solar panels for home for MUCH cheaper than retail price, saving me thousands. Moreover, it was actually easier than I thought!
And don't forget, when you purchase the Earth4Energy kit you also own the rights to build and resell the completed solar panels without paying us a thing. All profits you make will be your own.
You can make a simple solar panel for as little as $200 and sell them for $500! So by using the Earth4Energy instructions you can profit over $300 for every solar panel you build.
Think about that for a second - After a bit of practice you can build up to 5 solar panels every week (or even more) and sell them for a profit of $300 each. That's a weekly profit of $1500. This is the perfect business model because not only can you make a decent profit you can pass on your knowledge to others whom want to help our environment.
Get involved in the alternative green energy movement NOW. It's exciting, rewarding and can save you a lot of money.
With the ever increasing costs of living, there is no better time than right now to stop throwing money out the window and start generating our own electricity.
Did you know?
A basic solar installation from a retailer can take 30 years to pay back and cost you well over $20,000?
This is simply too much for many to afford and the pay back time is far too long. This prompted me to do some research into how the solar panels are created and how I could make them myself.
I soon realized it was possible to make solar panels for home for MUCH cheaper than retail price, saving me thousands. Moreover, it was actually easier than I thought!
And don't forget, when you purchase the Earth4Energy kit you also own the rights to build and resell the completed solar panels without paying us a thing. All profits you make will be your own.
You can make a simple solar panel for as little as $200 and sell them for $500! So by using the Earth4Energy instructions you can profit over $300 for every solar panel you build.
Think about that for a second - After a bit of practice you can build up to 5 solar panels every week (or even more) and sell them for a profit of $300 each. That's a weekly profit of $1500. This is the perfect business model because not only can you make a decent profit you can pass on your knowledge to others whom want to help our environment.
Get involved in the alternative green energy movement NOW. It's exciting, rewarding and can save you a lot of money.
How To Build Electric Car Step By Step
How To Build Electric Car Step By Step
Long Kept Secret Revealed On How To Convert Your Car To Run An Electric Motor
Stop Paying $100 - $200 A Week On Gas! I Have Some News That Will Shock You! Its Actually Very Easy To Convert A Gas Vehicle Into An ELECTRIC CAR! Basically, You Will No Longer Have to Pay For Gasoline After Reading My Guide!
Many people want to convert their gas car into an efficient electric car. However, most people don’t have the $3,000 it costs to hire a mechanic to do the work for them!
So, a couple of mechanics got together to solve this problem for everyone!
They wrote a detailed, easy to use instruction manual that will show even the newest of car newbies how to do an electric car conversion!
With My DIY Conversion Guide You Will Learn:
Step by Step: How To Transform Your Vehicle From Gas To Electric
* How to Get 100-200 Miles Per Charge
* What Parts Are Needed For the Conversion
* All the Tools You Will Need - This Will Cost Less Then $280.00 Dollars!
* Exactly Where to Get The Tools
* And Much More...
Even If You've Never Put ANYTHING Together or Don't Even Know What The Inside Of a Car Looks Like - You Will Be Able to Follow My Guide and Convert Your Vehicle Into an Electric Car!
Once you convert your car from gas to electricity, you will save an average of $225 per month for many years into the future!
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